European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRi)
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The European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRi) is the European organization which provides professional services, consulting, information and education needed in the broad area of modern integrated risk management and, in particular, management of emerging risks. EU-VRi has been legally established in Nov. 2006 by 5 founding members (BZF, INERIS, Steinbeis, Technologica, and University of Stuttgart). EU-VRi is organized as a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) and its purpose is to facilitate or develop the economic activities of its members by a pooling of resources, activities or skills. The activities of the EEIG are related to the economic activities of its members and the main goal of the EEIG is to add value to the businesses of the EU-VRi members. In addition, EU-VRi facilitates the mobility of researchers between research and industry, and it acts as a vehicle to create efficient consortia to address the R&D needs and other needs of industry. In 2009 about 40 companies from the EU and other countries are associated members. They come from industry, R&D organizations and academia, governmental and non-governmental/international organizations and SMEs (small and medium enterprises). From 2009, EU-VRi has increased its participation in projects dealing with emerging technologies, such as nanomaterials and new energies, and the associated risk management.
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Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS)
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The Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS) is a public research body of an industrial and commercial
character, under the supervision of the French Ministry of Environment
and Sustainable Development. INERIS’s mission is to assess and prevent
accidental and chronic risks to people and the environment originating
from industrial activities, chemical substances and underground works.
INERIS engages in two main sorts of research and studies: a)
Characterization and understanding of the phenomena that underline the
risks affecting the safety or property, people, health and the
environment as a result of economic activities; b) Improvement of the
identification and evaluation of such risks in order to enable
decision-makers in the public and private sectors to adopt the most
appropriate measures to improve environmental safety.
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Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH)
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The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) is a multidisciplinary research and specialist organization in the field of occupational health and safety. FIOH is a national governmental institute covering relevant research aspects of work life and conditions of work. The main functions of the Institute are research, specialist advisory services, training and communications. The Institute was founded in 1945 by the State Medical Board and social partners from industry and trade unions, insurance institutions and the Ministry of Social Affairs. In 1978 the Institute was nationalized under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The board of directors of the Institute consists of representatives from Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, labor Organizations and employer organizations.
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The FUNDACIÓN Tecnalia RESEARCH & INNOVATION (tecnalia) was born the 1st of January, 2011, as a research organisation resulting from the merging of eight research organizations: Fundación Cidemco, Fundación ESI-European Software Institute, Fundación European Virtual Engineering, Fundación Fatronik, Fundación Inasmet, Fundación Labein, Fundación Leia and FundaciónRobotiker.
Tecnalia is the leading private research and technology entity in Spain and the fifth largest in Europe. Tecnalia employs about 1,450 people (164 PhDs) and its turnover is 121 M€, it filed 53 patents, had 3800 clients and created 8 spin-offs in year 2009. Tecnalia is very active in participating the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) having already 150 funded projects, 31of them coordinated.
Several Tecnalia´s research units - Construction, Energy, Environment, Telecom, Foundry &Steelmaking, Industrial Systems, Transport, Biomaterials and Biotechnology & Pharma- are working in nanotechnology and specifically in some research areas such as nanomaterials, photonics, computational design and nanosafety. At this moment TECNALIA is taking part in several in-progress FP7 European research projects focused on nanotechnology (e.g. IAPETUS, LAYSA, CODICE, AEROCOIN´S, CODICE, NANOMATCH, EFFACEUR, POLYFIRE) and nanosafety (e.g NANEX, NEPHH and SCAFFOLD).

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Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
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The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) was established in 1932 based on a special law on applied scientific research in the Netherlands. TNO is an independent research organisation whose expertise and research make an important contribution to the competitiveness of companies and organisations, to the economy and to the quality of society as a whole. TNO has clustered a variety of disciplines into seven themes: Healthy Living, Industrial Innovation, Defense, Safety and Security, Energy, Mobility, Built Environment and Information Society.
TNO has a strong expertise in a wide range of assessments of chemical workplace exposures including exposure to gases, vapours and aerosols, as well as dermal exposures. In addition, risk management strategies are developed and applied including systematic approaches to select control measures, e.g. substitution, technical measures and personal protection. TNO has been involved in the FP6&7 Nano EHS projects NANOSH and NANEX, and is currently involved in FP7 projects NANODEVICE and MARINA.
TNO cooperates with RIVM (NL) and University Utrecht (NL) in the area of worker exposure modelling, consumer exposure modelling, epidemiology and health impact assessment and with many international scientific groups in a broad range of topics, e.g. HSL (UK), IOM (UK), IFA, IUTA (D), NRCWE (DK), institutions and industrial organizations.
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Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH (R-Tech)
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Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH (R-Tech) is the member of the Steinbeis Group (http://www.steinbeis.de/), established in 1971. The Steinbeis Group with its 700+ Transfer Centers in 50+ countries offer global services in technology and knowledge transfer. The main competence of the R-Tech is in the area of assessment, analysis and management of business and technical risks. R-Tech is currently active in the area risks related to industrial safety and technology related risks. Organizing European and national stakeholders, promoting and supporting technology transfer, introducing new approaches to the risks and their management, development of specific methods and tools are examples of these activities.

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Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
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The Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) is a registered non-profit association and by agreement with the German government is representing German interests in European and International standardization. It offers stakeholders a platform for the development of standards as a service to industry, the state and society as a whole. DIN has been based in Berlin since 1917.
DIN's primary task is to work closely with its stakeholders to develop consensus-based standards that meet market requirements. Some 26,000 experts contribute their skills and experience to the standardization process.
DIN activities include the preparation of standards on national, European and International level as well as the management of standardization processes on national (DIN), European (CEN) and International (ISO) level. Concerning Nanotechnologies DIN is already actively participating in standardization related to nanotechnology within CEN/TC 352 "Nanotechnologies", ISO/TC 229 "Nanotechnologies" and ISO/TC 202 "Micro beam analysis" in leading several projects. Further DIN is administrating research projects linked to standardization being mostly pre-normative and DIN is involved in the FP7 NanoValid project.
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European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
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The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a non-profit organization set up under Belgian law. Through its services, it provides a platform for the development of European Standards (ENs) and other consensus documents.
It is the only recognized European organization according to Directive 98/34/EC for the planning, drafting and adoption of European Standards in all areas of economic activity with the exception of electrotechnology (CENELEC) and telecommunication (ETSI).
CEN works in a decentralized way. Its Members operate the technical groups that draw up the standards; the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC) in Brussels manages and coordinates this system.
The Members of CEN are the National Standardization Bodies of 32 European Countries (European Union + European Free Trade Association + Croatia+ Turkey).The work within CEN is performed in Technical Committees (producing European Standards and Technical Specifications) or in CEN Workshops (producing CEN Workshop Agreements).

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